About Flinders University
Flinders University enjoys a well-justified reputation for its excellence in teaching and research. It has a long-standing commitment to enhancing educational opportunities for all and a proud record of community engagement.
Since being established in 1966, Flinders has achieved much of which we can be very proud—in innovative research, in high quality teaching and in community engagement.
We have led the way in providing access to higher education for individuals who did not traditionally aspire to University.
We have attracted students from over 100 countries and our alumni have built careers and lives that enrich communities across Australia and throughout the world.
Flinders’ achievements are underpinned by the network of strong external links that we have developed with our stakeholders and with the communities we serve. We commit to being a university that is outwardly engaged, continuing to build the supportive and valued relationships which will be vital for the future.
While the nine key strategic priorities of the 2010-2014 Strategic Plan have been retained, they are now more tightly linked to, and help characterise, the University’s 5 main values:
- Socially responsible
- Student centred
- Distinctive in research
- Globally connected
- Sustainable and rewarding
Each of the nine key strategic priorities is individually important. More important, however, is the way they interact and combine to advance this Strategic Plan and our underlying vision of making a real difference to the world in which we live. Our approach over the period of this Plan is to: Differentiate, Focus and Intensify our activities.
To assist with differentiation and concentration, a University vision and purpose statement has been added:
We aim to transform the lives of individuals and communities, and to find ethical and innovative solutions to make a positive difference to society’s most challenging problems.
Download: Flinders University Strategic Plan 2012-2016 – Flinders Future Focus (PDF 2MB)
International Student Services
International Student Services is the first point of contact for international students and offers a range of programs supporting your enrolment, study and social life, as well as a referral service to facilities on campus and within the local community. For example, the ISS organizes a general orientation program for new international students, day and weekend tours throughout the semester, and coordinates a spouse conversation group. ISS staff write letters for students including student enrolment status, invitations and degree completion.
ISS has four advisory staff: one specifically for students on Australian Government scholarships offered through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Australia Awards); the other three provide advice to all other undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Unless you have secured accommodation at University Hall or in the Deirdre Jordan Village through Flinders Living you will need to consider arranging temporary accommodation, by booking a hotel or hostel room or a holiday apartment. New students will be required to book their own temporary accommodation.
A transport service is provided by ISS and Flinders Living to assist you in finding permanent accommodation. International students are able to book this service to view rental properties in the weeks preceding semester commencement.
If you are considering living off campus in rental accommodation please take the time to familiarise yourself with the rules and regulations found under the tenancies link, concerning rental agreements as covered by South Australian legislation.
The following web sites will also assist you in researching the current rental market.
- realestate.com.au
- realestateview.com.au
- domain.com.au
- Info Rentals
- adelaidehomes.com.au
- Toop & Toop
- Scarce Real Estate
Suburbs located in the immediate surrounds of Flinders and serviced by local bus services include: Bedford Park, Brighton, St Marys, Pasadena, Panorama, Marion, Daw Park, Colonel Light Gardens, Westbourne Park, Cumberland Park, Kings Park, Clarence Gardens, Black Forest, Wayville, Seacliff.
You can find further information about accommodation in the International Student Handbook.